Monday, September 21, 2015

Big Brown Eyes

Big Brown Eyes,glistening brighter than a thousand stars in the absence of light.
For it is in the darkness, that we shine the brightest.

Big Brown Eyes, carrying the depth of wisdom from a life plagued with pain.
Yet glowing with the joy of a life lived in gratitude.

Big Brown Eyes, made with purpose, never to be forgotten.
But to be loved into your fullness.

Big Brown Eyes, looking into my blue ones, starring back at yours.
Dreaming of what you are created to do and what you're destined for.

Big Brown Eyes, you have a bright future.
Brighter than a thousand stars in the absence of light…

My time in South Africa has been surreal-to say the least. I am so blessed to be doing what I have dreamt of for the past 5 years, and to be doing it alongside those who have the same dream.  No day has been the same, and that's exactly how I like life to be. I was able to go on a field trip to the petting zoo with the preschool, attend a week long training for foster parents, spend the night taking care of toddlers while a Mama was out, love on my roommate who spent a few days in the hospital, go to Bible school classes, spend an evening with women transitioning out of prostitution, and simply enjoy getting to know the children and families here-which has been my absolute favorite. 

Yesterday I had the joy of attending the church that I went to on outreach while I was here last year. It was absolutely phenomenal to see the changes that have been made in a matter of a year, and it gave me fresh perspective on how all of our lives are changing a day at a time. We typically don't feel like much has changed day by day, but when we look back over a year, we see how far we've come...those day by days quickly add up, and they make great differences.  Anyways, when I went to this church last year they met under a tent, and now they are meeting under half a building. It's a work in progress, but a local man has volunteered to build the structure for free. What a beautiful heart. 

Now, I know what I have to share next is hard to believe. It is something I have witnessed in small doses over the past few years, but yesterday I experienced it in an even greater measure.  I am speaking about miraculous healing.  At the end of church service, we had the honor of doing an altar call-for us, this meant asking anyone to come up who was sick, had physical pain, etc. There were ten people and one by one we got to pray for them. One by one, we asked Jesus to take their pain away. And one by one, they were healed. Every single one of them. Now, I know this is hard to swallow, but these are people that I saw a year ago. Walking with canes. Walking in painful agony. And I saw them again this year in the same condition. And I saw their eyes light up as their backs were straightened, as they were able to bend over, and as they were able to walk without pain for the first time.  I saw deep breaths taken without wheezing. I saw some wild dance moves after a hip was popped back in place. And I saw ten people touched by their Heavenly Father. 

Our God is not a distant God. He is a God moved with compassion, and a God who does what He says He will if you just simply ask and believe... "And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick." Matthew 14:14

Much Love,

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