Sunday, July 15, 2012

"They Call You Sister"

I do not know how to speak the language here. Nor do I understand it. But we have been created to speak a language louder than words.  A language that can surpass all barriers; even cultural.  That language is love, and it is global.

When I am working with the children here, I feel like there is not much I can do. Even if I knew the language, I still would not be able to understand most of them.  All I can do is hug them, and let them cling onto my hands and hang on to my arms. I sing songs over them and they smile.

I like to twirl the girls around and let them feel special, because they are.
I tell them they're beautiful, because they are.
And I tell them they're loved, because they are.

And the babies, they are my favorite. I love to hold them and stare into their eyes.  Just a simple pat on their tiny tummy and a smile is plastered on their face.  Sometimes they even let out a little giggle.  And no matter how small and soft to the ears it may be, a baby laugh always heals the soul.

But what also heals the soul?
To find out that I am being called sister.

These people.  These beautiful people who I cannot speak to, and who I cannot understand, call me sister. So I will continue to sing. I will continue to dance. And I will continue to tell them that they are beautiful and that they are loved....because they are.

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